So here is Day 2...
The meaning of my Blog name... Floppie's Blog.
So this story goes back to my high school days. I went to an all girls boarding school, so there was plenty of spare time for us to waste. So in all this spare time we all made up nick names for each other. I was first of all given the nick name Phill or Philly, they tried to use Pip or Pippa, but I really don't like those ones. I think that it was about 5th form when one of the girls come up with Philopillar (Phil-lop-pillar) (excuse the spelling, but I don't think that there is accurate spelling for that one.)
So then that stuck for a little while but was very long to say all the time. So then one day it got shortened to Floppie and then Disk got added coz of my love of computers. So then I had the name floppie disk, which became my first ever email address. When it became time for our end of year jersey's to be printed I had to choose which name to use. I was still getting called Phill and Philly as well at this stage. So I basically flipped a coin and landed on Floppie, so this is what was printed on the back of my leavers jersey.
But the story doesn't stop there...
Then I moved on to Waikato Uni. This was all new people, nobody from high school days went to the same uni as me. I can't exactly remember the exact details but it didn't take many times of me wearing my leavers jersey for everyone at uni to start calling me Floppie. They even took claim to making up my nick name, but they kinda get kind of stuck over where it came from. This took the whole nick name deal to a new level. Some people actually didn't know me by my real name. I worked in the halls of residence, all the people in charge of the halls of residence knew me as Floppie as well.
In my last couple of years of uni I got a job at a motel. At this job everyone there would call me floppie, including my bosses. It was really quite surreal.
So after that I moved back home to Palmy. I have a job down here and my boss asked me one day if I have a nick name, so I said, well yes I do, Floppie.
Next minute she has my nick name down as my log ons for work, very funny stuff.
So that is it. I use Floppie or Floppie Disk for all my Internet aliases as it is easy to remember and represents who I am and where I have come from.
So Day 2 done.
Thanks for all that is reading, until tomorrow xoxo